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Saturday 9 July 2016, July 09, 2016 WIB
Last Updated 2023-05-01T02:59:09Z

how for adding your Chitika ad code to your site hosted on Blogger.


Here are simple step-by-step instructions for adding your Chitika ad code to your site hosted on Blogger.

1. Log into your Blogger account. 

2. Once logged in you will need to click on "Layout"

3. Next you will need to decide where you would like to run Chitika ads on your Blogger site.

4. When you have the desired location you will need to click on "Add a Gadget"

5. You will then need to click on HTML/JavaScript to add JavaScript code to your site. 

6. This will bring up a new window that you can copy and paste the ad code you have generated from the publisher panel into the "Content section." Once you have the code in this window you will need to click save.

7. Next you will need to click "Save Arrangement" and you are ready to start earning with Chitika ads! Note: The Dynamic View template does not support Chitika ads. You must use the traditional template view!

Thank You
The conten by : chitika